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A history of philosophy

 Why did you study Philosophy?

 Philosophy comes from the Greek root philo meaning "love" and sophos meaning "knowledge".

The society that loves knowledge, that society progresses.

Philosophy is the mother of all subjects, for example English literature, law, science, mathematics, history, social science etc.

Sir Isaac Newton said -  " if i have seen farther it is by standing on the shoulder of giants."

  Every philosopher had vast knowledge.  If we stand on the shoulders of philosophers, we can look ahead

If we study philosophers and understand them then we can change our society and improve our society.

  Who was the philosopher?

Some philosophers are kings, some doctors, some revolutionaries, some lawyers and teachers.

Most of the men were philosophers and upper class.

Very few women, slaves and poor people (lower class) took part in philosophy because they had no chance to do philosophy.

  The history of human civilization is knowledge and development.

In today's world, we get information easily through newspapers, TV and social media, yet we get confused and get caught in problems.

I thought "It is better to light the lamp of knowledge than to wield a sword in the dark."

   Three Ways to Study Philosophy.

1. Thematic - the meaning of thematic philosophy, what is life?  What is political, what is the purpose of life, reason vs revelation debate, socialism vs capitalism debate, metaphysics vs dialectical debate, relativism vs determinism debate, materialism vs idealism debate and determinism vs independent debate etc.

2. Methods - These four philosophical didactic methods are classical philosophical methods.

It is inductive method and deductive method.  Plato on one side and Aristotle on the other.

3. Chronological (History) - It is more profitable and easier to study through chronological

For example, if we are watching a movie after a hiatus, we do not understand the plot, story, character of the film.  The same applies to philosophy.

If you read a philosopher, but you don't know what happened before, the discussion, the historical point of view and why he said so, you will not understand the philosopher of that philosophy.

Through history you can understand political, historical context, thinking, great personalities, how one philosopher influenced another philosopher, how to change the way the world thought, spread of knowledge, how to trade and traditions and culture change through migration. How people interact with each other's ideas.

what will this achieve ?
Through  philosophy  we can understands science and history of us .  Understanding philosophy will help us learn about history and society and seeking knowledge can help create a better society.  Philosophy and science which were not originally separate were therefore born together.

A History of Western Philosophy
Book by Bertrand Russell. Most of articles related.


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